Online meetings
North Austin Bipolar Support Group
We are happy to announce that we have transitioned to holding meetings using Google Meet! We hope to answer all of your questions below, but if you’re stuck or have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us by EMAIL.
How do I join the group?
To join one of our online meetings, you need to be a member of the Laura’s Group Facebook group. Head to and request to join our private group named “Laura’s Group.” Be sure to answer the questions and agree to the group rules or your request will not be accepted. Also, approving new members sometimes takes a little time, so you won’t want to wait until the last minute to join.
When are sessions held?
Our group currently meets on virtually on Sundays from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm CST for peer support. We sometimes hold additional group meetings and social hours, so keep an eye on the events page, which can be found from the “Events” quick link tab at the top of the group’s Facebook page.
How do I sign up to attend a meeting?
To attend a meeting, RSVP “going” for the session you’d like to sign up from “Events” quick link tab at the top of the group’s Facebook page. You are welcome to attend any of our sessions, as frequently as you’d like. However, we currently will only be able to accommodate the first 9 people that sign up in a single virtual session. This restriction is to ensure that all attendees have adequate time to share.
How do I join the online meeting?
In the details panel on the event page for location, the event is listed as “Online Event” followed by a link to a private Google Meet event. Be sure to have RSVP’d as “going” on Facebook or you will not be admitted to the meeting. Accessing the Google Meet session itself differs slightly depending on the device you are using. As long as you have a Gmail account set up, it is very easy to use.
What else should I know?
If it’s your first time attending group, you should revisit the group rules and the group description - it’s what we’re all about and has details about how we run our group meetings. If you’re a long-time member, you’ll see updates in our P&Ps to address the changes we’ve made as we moved to online.
What if I don’t feel comfortable using a camera?
We understand that using video calling may feel awkward or distracting at first. Some people may feel very self-conscious about their appearance on camera. We encourage you to practice using the camera with a friend or family member, or even an empty call. One idea for practice is to go through your usual introduction: name, diagnosis, how long you've been coming to group, and if you'd like to share. It really does become more natural after a little practice, and you won't be judged on your appearance or delivery. Although we do not mandate that you use the camera, we strongly encourage you to use it for most of the meeting time. We really do want to see you during your share time. While you're sharing with the group, you'll appreciate how just how much non-verbal communication matters - A LOT! If you find your "self-view" distracting, you can place a post-it note over your own face, so you can concentrate on the others in the group. Even though we want to see you use the camera, if you chose to turn off your camera due to anxiety that’s related to being on camera, we will support you in that decision. To help you feel more comfortable using the camera, we encourage you to dress as you normally would for an in-person meeting at the coffee shop. Log on a little early, check your surroundings, your lighting, and get cozy.
Need more technical help?
Sometimes things don’t work right on the first try. Check out our technical issues & troubleshooting page for more guidance on how to set this all up and get it working.