I bet you found your way here because I begged you to check out our new website. But maybe you’re here because you have or think you may have Bipolar. That can feel scary. And lonely. But you’re not actually alone. There are many, many, awesome people who share similar challenges with mental health — and I think you need to hang out with those folks.
As for me personally…. I’m Melissa, btw….. I found this group while I was in a bad place and was waiting out the weeks until the appointment with a pdoc to figure out what’s up. (Spoiler alert - It was bipolar!) So I thought, “Surely there’s a support group for people like me. That’s a thing, right?” There was! In that very first meeting, I actually met some of the most important people to ever come into my life. I’m beyond grateful that I found our group, and thrilled that I have the opportunity to help others.
I can’t wait to rope in my friends and fellow group organizers into sharing their thoughts and stories on this blog. Cause they’re awesome.